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Clinic Information

General Information

Parents may be contacted when students are injured or become ill during the school day. Students who are ill must be kept at home. When your child is well enough to return to school, please send in a note to excuse the absence due to illness. Please notify the school office if your child has a contagious disease or an extended illness.

  • Emergency Information:  Our clinic is not staffed or equipped for serious injury or illness. When a student requires more than first aid, we will contact the parent/legal guardian by using the contact information provided on the Student Information Card.  If a parent or legal guardian cannot be reached, we will contact the Emergency Contacts listed on the Student Information Card. 
  • Medication:  If possible, all medications should be taken at home rather than at school. However, if medications must be taken at school, authorization and instruction forms entitled "Authorization to Give Medication at School" must be completed. These forms will be sent home with students at the beginning of the year and are available on our website.

Parents are responsible for providing all medications.  The medicine, in the original container, along with the instructions and authorization form, must be taken to the clinic for central storage. If at all possible, the parent should bring in the medication; however, if this is not possible, your child should take the medication and instructions directly to the clinic upon arrival at school. Under no circumstances should medication, prescription or non-prescription (including over-the-counter medications) be kept by a student or shown to other students.  All medications, both prescription and over-the-counter, must be administered by a Shakerag staff member.  An authorization form must be completed and returned to the school before any medication can be administered to a student on a regular basis. 

In order to maintain accurate records, if a parent/legal guardian chooses to administer medicine to their child during school hours, the medication must be administered in the clinic so that the time, dosage and name of medication can be documented.

Per Fulton County policy, all medication not picked up by 3:00 PM on the last day of school will be disposed. 

  • Permission to Treat Minor Injuries/Rashes:   Your written permission is required on the Student Profile for treatment of bug bites or minor rashes with hydrocortisone cream.
  • Student Illness:  Please help us guard against the spread of germs by encouraging your child to thoroughly wash his/her hands, properly dispose of used tissues, and keep all students who are not "fever free" without medication home until "fever-free" for 24 hours.  Students who are contagious and/or have a fever greater than 100.4 are not permitted to attend school.  

    In the event that a student becomes ill before leaving for school, parents should make appropriate arrangements for care of the student at home rather than sending a sick child to school. A parent should wait until all possibility of contagion has passed before sending a recovering student back to school. 

    IMPORTANT:  A child must be fever-free for 24 hours without medication prior to returning to school.  For example, if your child has a fever at 10:00 AM on Monday but is fever-free by 12:30 PM that same day, your child may return to school on Tuesday AFTER 12:30. In this example, it would be strongly recommended to send your child back to school on Wednesday.

    If a parent is notified by school personnel that his/her child is sick, the parent must make arrangements for the child to be taken home or to another appropriate location.

Clinic Personnel

Clinic Assistant: Tammy Otsubo
Phone: 470-254-8834

Cluster Nurse: Sarah Roberts

Clinic Hours: 7:40 AM-2:20 PM

Parent Resources

Fulton County Schools